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February 5th, 2021

How to Feel Inspired by Your Work

The reason I work in the life sciences industry is simple. Our work makes a difference.

I had the fortune of attending the Life Science Leader Summit in Boston this month, where a small group of senior leaders gathered to discuss our industry. Speakers and panels – including our VP Managing Director, Shawn Kerek – spoke about trends, issues and reaching outside our usual networks.


Here are three things I took away from the conference:

  1. There’s nothing quite like real, passionate conversations with your peers. I felt honored to engage with the attendees as equals, as we brainstormed and problem solved on even ground. I recommend seeking out opportunities to do the same to anyone who needs to feel refreshed with their career.
  2. Don’t be a thermometer. Be a thermostat. Dean McAlister, Senior VP of Client Relationship Development at STEM Healthcare, gave this advice – and it speaks to the way leaders can push our industry forward. It’s not just about reading the room and identifying what other people are doing. It’s about deciding to change what’s happening, for the better.
  3. There wasn’t one person in that room that wasn’t genuinely motivated, who didn’t want to make the industry better. The faith, the hope, the passion in the room was energizing. It reaffirmed my love for what we do.

What excites you about life sciences right now? Let’s connect on LinkedIn and discuss!

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